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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Enclosed Garden in the Works

I had a vision.  I wanted a pretty enclosed garden where I could have a potting bench and all of my flowers and veggies would be protected from squirrels.  I also have this amazing husband who listens to my crazy ideas and makes them come to life. 
Slowly but surely, it's starting to be built.  We have to post holes dug and the posts placed.  The door is ready to be set and chicken wire should be going on any day now. 
I already have my potting bench in place and have been planting more flowers on the regular.  This table came with the house when we bought it and it is the perfect potting bench. 
I even have a sink that will be set up with water for washing my hands and watering my flowers. 
We've already got the garden planted.  In this section, we have raspberries, cilantro, artichoke, strawberries, zucchini, watermelon, onion, 3 kinds of peppers and pumpkin. 
This old truck bed has asparagus, raspberries, strawberries and tomatoes.  We started with a garden bed this size last year to see if we could actually grow stuff and since we succeeded, we decided to go bigger! 
I did a little potting at my bench today and planted some succulents in this old bird cage.  I am really looking forward to to this enclosed garden coming to life and planting so many wonderful things in it! 

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  1. This looks like it's going to be adorable. Thanks for linking to Keep In Touch.

  2. Wow! Your new garden is going to be great!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your new garden come together, especially the keeping the squirrels out part. :) Aha, chicken wire! Clever!

  4. It's all looking so fun! Can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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