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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dining Room Hutch Makeover

How is everyone doing during this crazy time in history?  Everyday I say those words..."This is so crazy!"  I work at a college as an event coordinator so we had to cancel all of our external events and our students are moved out and taking classes online.  I am working from home 4 days a week now while 3 of my co-workers are working in facilities helping clean dorms.  Although all of the students have been sent home, there will be about 200 still on campus who can't go home so the campus won't be completely shut down.  Working from home means lots of online meetings using video chats.  When you are doing video chats, you see your home from a different view.  I have had my "office" set up in the dining room and I quickly came to the conclusion that my dining room makeover needed to happen NOW!
These photos aren't so good since they were taken with my cell phone.  I was going to take more today with my camera but it is pouring down rain and dark and dreary out so these will have to do!  I knew that I wanted to paint the built-in hutch in our dining room white, I just never got around to it.

My husband is an Auto Body Paint Technician (he paints cars) so he is very good at taping things off and painting them perfectly.  He took off all of the doors and drawers while I worked on the inside stuff. 
I am glad we took on this project yesterday when it was warm and sunny out.  Today is the complete opposite and it would have been a mess! 
I am not the best painter but I just taped off the sides and went to town.  It took about 3 coats of white paint to get it to where I wanted it.  I thought about doing a faux shiplap treatment to the inside but I was too tired and just wanted to get it done. Maybe I will get around to that another day! 
I got all the painting done and got all of my stuff put back in after dinner.  Then it was time for Cody to put the doors and drawers back on. I want to put chicken wire behind the glass and we have knobs to put on the drawers and doors.  Those things will be a project for another day as well!
And here is the finished project again.  This was all in a days work and it turned out better than I imagined!  I am so happy that we took this project on finally.  Now I am ready to tackle the laundry room or our bedroom.  Stay tuned!
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1 comment:

  1. "You've inspired me to give my old hutch a makeover now too! I love how a few simple changes like paint, hardware and open shelving gave your hutch a whole new look and feel. It looks like a brand new high-end piece now. I may have to copy your ideas!"

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