I just have to say it to get it off of my chest and out of my mind! Someone left me a nasty comment last night saying that my ceramic tree and Shiny Brites are not vintage. They said it was amusing what people considered vintage. Of course this comment was left anonymously, which I think is quite cowardly! Didn't anyone ever tell you that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!?! I had to look up the meaning of "vintage" to make sure that I wasn't making a fool of myself. "Too old to be considered modern but not old enough to be considered antique. Retro, recently out of style with a potential to make a comeback. Vintage is anything that dates after 1920 and up to the mid-1980's." So clearly all the "vintage" items that I showed on my last post were truly vintage! Not to mention that you can find all of these things on ETSY, all listed as vintage items! This person also told me that Shiny Brites were cheaply bought at the dime store and asked me if I thought the ornaments on sale at Wal-Mart right now will be considered vintage someday. I really don't think it matters how much the item originally cost. And I suppose that someday in the future, the ornaments we buy today might be sought after like Shiny Brites of yesterday currently are and they could be considered vintage as well. Who knows what people in the future will seek from the past! I just don't understand why anyone would take the time out of their day to be so rude and condescending to someone who did nothing wrong. I know I should just let this go but I am the kind of person that takes everything to heart. This hurt my feelings and put a damper on my day and why? Because someone has a negative opinion about something that I posted on MY BLOG?! Ridiculous! I have been so fortunate as to have never received a mean comment until this and I just had to say how I feel. I am sure the coward who posted it won't read this, but it feels good to get it out there! Thank you to everyone who took the time to leave a sweet comment about my vintage treasures. You are the ones that make blogging such a great thing!

Sound familiar?
Hi honey... I just sent you a big email... please be happy today... there are alot more NICE ladies in this land of blog than those nasty mean kind who leave anonymous comments... and hide behind them... your vintage ornaments are just lovely!... I have collected vintage Christmas my entire life... I am alot older than you, I am 63 and not ashamed to say so... I am by no means an expert and do not claim to be, but I am comfortable enough with my knowledge to know vintage Christmas... I would have snatched yours up in a heartbeat! and the precious memories that each one holds... money cannot buy... much more priceless than that woman could ever possibly understand... as they have touched your heart... you do not need to explain your vintage finds to anyone... now... go get yourself a cup of coffee or tea... hot chocolate or whatever makes you feel cozy and warm... daydream about happy things... and know that we nice ladies love you!... xoxo Julie Marie
Oh my goodness, I do not know what to say!!! Shiny Brites (mine are from the 1950s) are most certainly vintage and I just bought a ceramic tree from 1971 that is also vintage. There is so much depression glass out there w]that was also bought for little money that is now priceless. I know because my mother deals in glassware. Obviously the person didn't know what they were talking about and just needed to feel like they did. That said, there is a lot of stuff out there that is not remotely vintage being touted as such, so maybe this person could go hunt them down, lol. Do not be discouraged...haters gonna hate:-) Sad but true. Now off to see your post:-)
Sorry to hear about that comment. All I can say is rude people suck (in my NY accent hee). Just ignore!
Well said, my dear....the anonymous person needs to look up VINTAGE! Have a wonderful and blessed weekend! from one sweetie to another~~~Roxie
I think that is SO unkind for people to leave rude comments on other's blogs and I am so sorry that it happened to you Trisha. Your VINTAGE post was lovely and I enjoyed every picture. I hope that you never have another experience like it again. It sure takes the fun out of blogging and sharing the things we all love about it!
Have a wonderful day!
I'm so sorry that rude person hurt your feelings Trisha! And to leave it anonymously, no less! I know what you mean about taking comments to heart, I am the same. I always get so excited when people take time out of their day to leave me a message about a post. But to leave such a mean spirited comment like that person did is just plain mean! On Etsy, anything 20 years or older is vintage. (geez, I guess that means I'm an antique!) And like you said, who cares what an item costs, it's the joy it brings to us that give it value. I would suggest you reset your blog so that no one can leave comments anonymously. Oh, I remember a few years ago writing a post about some things I found at a garage sale, and how I mentioned that some of the things were really, really dirty and I had to wash them (which I always do anyway with thrifted stuff!). So I get a comment from someone that I'd never heard of, chastising me for "complaining" about dirty garage sale stuff. She said why should anyone bother cleaning things before selling them at their garage sales?!! And who was I to complain about the dirt? Guess it takes all kinds!!
HI Trisha,I read that comment on your blog when I was leaving my comment to you.I thought it a bit "off".Don't worry about the haters or the ones who may be jealous.I love visiting your blog and seeing what fab treasures you have to share.Keep on smiling and have a good weekend..xx
Well, obviously not only ws that person RUDE but was UNINFORMED as well. Nothing like an IDIOT making a FOOL out of themselves instead of their victim! Just chalk it up to jealously and idiocy! Blessing- you just keep right on doing what you do best and ignore any of those creeps out there- xo Diana
They were so wrong about shiny brites, I love to find them and sell them in my antiques booth all the time a lot of valuable things came from the dime store....Yep, HE/She is an idiot. If you have a minute, you will have to see the post about the meanest comment I got last year...Anonymous, surprise! http://thepolkadotcloset.blogspot.com/2011/12/my-meanest-comment-in-2011but-oh-so.html
Hi Trisha, I just had to also comment here. First off I am so sorry that you were the victim of a not so nice person. Whoever they are, are very ill informed and I agree with all that was said above from other comments and special friends I know.
I have shiny brites to and my cherished ceramic tree made by my mother in the 70's which is a vintage treasure. I would come out swinging if anyone tried to tell me different. Chaulk it up to find them dumb, leave them dumb.
For the most part, blogland is a wonderful place with kind and special friends.
Sending a big hug your way.
XO Celestina Marie
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