My husband is the theif! He thought that we could use them in the yard and took them yesterday. It's okay because that just means I can get some more for my projects, and I really like what he did with them!

We have been working on a "party patio" in our backyard for awhile. When we get a little extra money, we buy some supplies and do what we can. It's going pretty slow since extra money seems to be scarce. There will be a bar and a BBQ pit as well as room for a table and chairs. We can't wait to get it done so we can have a party!

My wonderful husand decided to use the old windows on the party patio. He's so handy and resourceful. He took the wire from an old electric fence and used it to hang the windows from the beams. I would have never thought of that! The 4 smaller windows are perfect for the side and the longer windows will go on either side of the entryway to the patio.

I think it looks pretty awesome! Please excuse the unfinished bar and roof. It's expensive to buy roofing, even for such a small structure as this! And that huge weed-I tried and tried to pull it out and it won't budge. It's ugly! I HATE WEEDS!

Here is a straight on shot-I think he did an amazing job and I don't mind at all that he stole my windows! Now to find some more for the projects I wanted to do with them!
Some my say stolen,I say put to a better use..
All hail a resourceful husband..xx
Hi Trisha -
Your party patio is looking great! Hubby had a great idea for the windows...he's a keeper ;)
Hey Trish!! The look wonderful and I can't wait to see the finished party deck!! How fun...and working on it a little at the time will give you such a feeling of accomplishment once it's all done=)
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