Wow did I ever get spoiled this Easter! I participated in an Easter Tea Cup Swap hosted by Teri at
Artful Affirmations and Martha at
Martha's Favorites. I got an absolutely wonderful partner, Debi at
Life in My Studio. She put together the most beautiful Easter basket filled with the loveliest items. I was so excited when the box arrived I could hardly wait to open it. Two of my nieces were with me when I opened it and they were excited too-mostly for the candy though!

The tin aqua basket had the cutest Easter Bunny on the front. There was sweet lace tied in a bow and it was filled with pink Easter grass. Inside were so many treasures. Vintage Bingo cards, a vintage flower post card, an old wedding photo, seam binding and lace, some sparkly eggs, flowers, an antique tea spoon, lot's of candy, a beautiful tea cup and inside a pretty Rose Chintz box was a necklace made just for me featuring Cinderella-one of my favorites! This was the most amazing basket full of goodies! Thank you so much Debi! I am still drooling over everything in it!

Here is the necklace that she made me. This in itself is a fantastic gift! I was so amazed to see this! She really listened to what I liked and spoiled me rotten.

And here is the beautiful tea cup that she sent. I just love the roses and the beautiful shape of the cup and handle. It is perfect for me!

This is the cup that I sent to Debi. They look almost identical! Great minds think alike!!

I found some vintage hankies, a doily, a brooch, some eggs filled with candy, tulip suckers, some chocolates and I embellished a spoon to match her teacup. I don't think I sent her nearly enough, but now I know better for next time!

I made her a pretty little basket that wasn't too Easter-y so that she could use it all year round.

It was so much fun doing this swap-I can see why so many of you are addicted to swapping! I can't wait to join in on another one, equipped with many new wonderful ideas!

Don't forget-I am having a giveaway and would love it if you won! Click
here to go to the giveaway!
Hi Trisha, Congrats on your beautiful gifts! You really scored. Have a great week! Sunny109 ps you blog is so pretty and optimistic! Nice job!
You're a lucky girl..Both gift baskets were beautiful..xx
Hi Trisha: You did get spoiled! What a wonderful Easter Tea Basket. I love it all. Thank you for sharing in the fun! Blessings, Martha
Oh my! Debi really did send you some lovely items! Your cup is really pretty with that big rose on it.
I am so glad you enjoyed the tea cup swap. Thank you so much for participating.
What a beautiful basket of treasures! Enjoy all of those handpicked prizes just for you!
Hi Trisha,
What an amazing Easter basket of goodies! Your teacup is really pretty. Thanks for sharing it with us and for joining me for Tea Time.
Isn't mail call wonderful?!!!! You really received an Easter basket filled with goodies! happy tea day!
Congratulations on the swap, everything looks beautiful.
Hi Trisha!...What a lovely gift basket from Debi! she does wonderful work and has such beautiful presentations when giving. I have also been fortunate to have her as a partner.
Enjoy that Teacup!
Melanie :)
Wow look at all those goodies and the cup is lovely!
That is crazy how much your cups looked alike! WOW! You girls sure did a great job! You sure tried to make each other happy with your packages & I am sure you both succeeded! You are almost tempting me to join a swap :) Looks fun!
You had a wonderful swap and I am glad it was fun. The teacups were so much alike it was amazing. Have a great time using your new antique gifts.
Dear Trisha,
Many thanks for your kind words and prayers last week for dear Pam.
Last week's tea post was so lovely; wow!.., What fabulous tea goodies and tea things you were gifted, within your teacup swap!
Thanks for taking part with last week's TTTT and also with my
80th, Tuesday Tea For Two..,
We always love having all of you dear fellow bloggers join in the fun with us!.., Hope to see you this week as well!
Pam was much improved when they left for home last week; I'm delighted to be back in the swing of things once again with my own blogs as well!..,
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
P.S.~ (I will be re-posting about the, May Mini Teapot Swap, for tomorrow.
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