I had a much needed 4 day weekend. I was sick with the flu last weekend and did absolutely nothing, so it was good to have 4 days this weekend to get caught up. My little friend Jayde came over on Friday. Her mom and I are best friends and we also work together. Kyla, Jayde's mom, swears that I am really the mother of Jayde. As you can see in the picture above, we look alike...if we go out to eat, the waiters always put her meal on my check! Jayde and I are also drama queens and we love to craft, and that is what we stayed busy doing on Friday!

Jayde wanted me to show her how to make some fun crafts. I started out showing her how to make flowers out of paper. The vintage sheet music flower above is mine. Jayde was very good at following directions and tried her hardest to do what I was showing her.

This is her card. Not too bad for a 9 year old. A few more tries and she will really have it down! She saw my LOVE banner and wanted to make one of her own. I cut the paper, showed her how to fold it and staple it. I glued it while she drew and cut out the letters. I glittered and glued them on. She picked out the ribbon and I think it looks pretty good! We also made a bunch of flowers for our hair. As you can see in the picture of us, we are both sporting our new flowers. I showed her how to take apart a flower and make clips and headbands. Don't we look cute?

Pretty sure I got her hooked on crafting and creating. Her mom told me that she was playing with her stuff all night and showed it to anyone who would take a look! I've definitely created a new crafter!!

Here is a cute little Easter wreath that I made. It hangs sweetly in my big frame. I am really looking forward to Spring and Easter-can you tell?!
So glad that I got to spend some time with Jayde crafting and creating. She used to call me Aunt Chucha when she was little and now she is trying to teach her little brother to call me that! I sure do love all the little ones in my life!