What is it about the 4th of July that makes me so happy? It has to be the memories that I have from when I was a little kid. I have a huge extended family and when I was younger, we spent the 4th of July together. We would meet early in the day and have a BBQ, play games, eat some more and then get ready for the fireworks. My aunt had a dog that would chase the ones that spun on the ground. His mouth would be full of smoke. He was crazy but he loved it. Another one of my aunt's had a flying firework land in her hair and it went up in flames. Luckily someone put it out quick and she didn't get hurt or lose too much hair! After all the fireworks were over, we would drive home and fall asleep in the car. My dad would carry us into the house and put us to bed. Life was much simpler back then and I cherish those memories.

This year, since 4th of July falls on a Wednesday, we won't be going camping. Instead, we are taking the day and spending it with my family. We will drive up to my mom and dad's house and have a BBQ, go fishing, sit in the creek and do whatever our hearts desire. I am really looking forward to the lazy day that awaits us and I wish all of you a very Happy Independence Day!
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