This year, I wanted to try to do something different with the Christmas tree. I usually do a very traditional one, with ornaments that I received from my grandma over the years. My grandma, and my granpa when he was alive, made us ornaments every year up until just a few years ago. I would say I have about 25 made by them. As much as I love them, I wanted to do something a little different this time around.
I love this blue/turquoise/aqua color mixed with whites and silvers. And having the green background really adds to it! I picked up a lot of different ornaments in these colors and even used some that I already had.
This summer, I picked up some vintage glass balls at a yard sale. There were two boxes that had mostly these blue ones. There were a few gold and silver ones as well. Can you tell how the paint is chipping off? Makes them look so old and beautiful!
There were 2 ornaments that had little Christmas scenes in them. This green one (which doesn't really match my tree, but I wanted to hang it on there anyway, is in the back where it isn't seen!) has a candy cane, some holly and snow.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Pink Christmas Ornaments
For my Pink Saturday post, I thought I would show you some of my pretty pink Christmas ornaments. I searched through my box and was shocked at what I found...or should I say what I didn't find! Out of all of my ornaments, I only had 2 pink ones! Wow! That is so unlike me! But those pink ones that I did find are very pretty so it's okay!
This of course is my favorite one. Baby's First Christmas 1982. I love the quilted look with the embroidered pictures. It's a plastic sheet wrapped around a stringed pink ball.
I have about 6 of these pink snowflakes. My grandma made a set of white and pink ones in a ceramic shop. They are a pretty soft pink with a dark pink glitter. I love the look of them and they really sparkle when the lights hit them.
Go check out all of the other pretty pinks going on at How Sweet the Sound!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. I just wish we had some leftovers because there is nothing better than a turkey sandwich for dinner the next day!
Go check out all of the other pretty pinks going on at How Sweet the Sound!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. I just wish we had some leftovers because there is nothing better than a turkey sandwich for dinner the next day!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is probably my most favorite holiday. I love having a day in the middle of the week where we get together with family and friends, eat until we are stuffed and remind ourselves what we are thankful for.
I am so thankful for:
My wonderful, loving husband Cody
My shiny black lab Grady
My amazing parents
My sister and my brother
A job that pays the bills
A roof over our heads
Food in our tummies
Shoes on our feet
Clothes on our back
Living in a free country
My education
My friends
The sound of children's laughter
The smell of clean laundry
Stars to wish on
The man in the moon
Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall
The friends I have made in blogging
And so many more things!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Cap'n Crunch French Toast
One of my husband's favorite things that I make is Cap'n Crunch French Toast. It's a special treat for him that I make once in awhile, but probably not as often as he would like! Completely easy and totally yummy!
Just crush up some Cap'n Crunch cereal, I don't really know how much, just enough to coat your bread. I made 4 pieces, so I probably did about 2 cups. I also use Texas Toast because it stands up a little better.
I use the bottome of a drinking glass to crush the cereal. I suppose you could use a food processor, but this is a really easy way with less clean up. And it doesn't hurt to have a few uncrushed pieces.
Just do a regular egg wash like when you make regular French Toast. Make sure you use plenty of butter in your skillet. Coat both sides generously with the crushed up cereal.
Cook until nice and golden brown on both sides. The sugar in the cereal gets a nice caramelization which makes it crispy and sweet.
I like to top it off with a sprinkling of powered sugar. You can eat it with syrup, whipped cream, or whatever kind of toppings you like. It might even be sweet enough for you with nothing added.
This recipe comes with 2 thumbs up from my picky husband! Enjoy!!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
One of those weeks

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you wish you could just erase it from your life? That is what I want to do with this week. There was nothing good about it. The nasty cold I got didn't show me any mercy. I missed a day and a half of work and didn't get much sleep. I am in a horrible fight with my sister in law. She did something that really hurt me and she has not made any attempt to call and talk to me about it. I have tried to contact her, but she just ignores me. I have been very emotional about the whole situation. I hate the thought of a family being torn apart because of something someone did that was completely avoidable. My black lab Grady has been having seizures. He had 2 this week. We took him to the vet today and they pretty much told us he will have to be on medication for the rest of his life. It breaks my heart to see him when he is having a seizure, he looks so scared and helpless. There were a lot of other little things that happened too, but those were the biggies. I know my problems probably seem like nothing compared to what some people are going through. But nevertheless, I am not too happy this week. I am so glad that the weekend is here. And through all of this horrible stuff that has been happening, my husband, my prince charming, has been right there by my side. He took care of me when I was sick, he went with me to the vet with Grady and he is completely understanding and on my side through this family issue. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful man to spend the rest of my life with. He is the bright spot in my life!
Thank you for letting me vent the frustrations in my life this week. Now I am going to have a glass of sweet red wine and cuddle on the couch with my amazing husband!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Beautiful new bathroom
Our bathroom makeover is complete! Thanks to my wonderfully amazing husband, I now have a bathroom that I am proud to show off! He pretty much did all the work, I was just the creative consultant!! We definitely wanted to give our bathroom some life, but we didn't want to spend a lot of money on it. So, with some paint, a few new fixtures and some organization, our bathroom is ready to be seen!
The people that lived here before us did some custom sponge painting in neutral colors. Not really my style. I don't like the wood fixtures either, but like I said, we were doing this on a small budget so we did what we could to make them better.
But look at it now!!
I love this color! Aqua Chiffon on the walls above.
We painted the light fixture and medicine cabinet white as well as the chair rail, moulding and bottom portion of the wall. We replaced the old faucet with a new one that has white handles.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Bathroom Redo
On Saturday morning, my husband says to me "Let's refinish the kitchen cabinets!" Sure honey, think we can get it done today? I really want to refinish our cabinets, but not right now, less than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Instead, let's repaint the master bathroom, including the one cabinet and see how that goes. We are random like that. Off to Lowe's we go! I knew the color I wanted and amazingly he agreed. I could've gone a shade lighter, but he wanted this one.
Aqua Chiffon

Don't you just love the name? The bathroom is painted and ready to be put back together. I am the one that gets to put it back together and I have a nasty cold so that's just not happening today. I love the way it turned out and can't wait to show you! You will have to wait because this cold is kicking my butt-thank goodness for a day off tomorrow...hoping to get it all done then! Pictures coming soon!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Childhood Pinks
Apparently, I have liked the color pink for a very long time. And to prove this to you, I am showing some of my Childhood Pinks today for Pink Saturday. Thank you to Miss Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for letting me participate!
This pretty little ceramic doll was made for me by my mom when I was about 6. She made her blonde with blue eyes to look like me. She also made my older sister one that looked like her. In fact, I think we both still have them! This doll has the prettiest pink dress with vintage lace trim, a hat, a book and a little teddy bear.
Her little book has a picture of a house on it and says something about bears in the forest. The bear came unglued years ago and I used to hide my diary key in it when I was younger! It made a very good hiding place!
My room when I was little was decorated in Unicorns. I had curtains, a beadspread and all sorts of stuff with unicorns. My mom made me this cute little unicorn jewelry box when I was probably 5. It has purple stars and pink swags in the middle and pink flowers in the grass. He's lost his horn, but I think it is still pretty obvious he is a unicorn!
This little ceramic jewelry box still sits on my dresser and holds a lot of little pink ribbons from Breast Cancer Awareness things.
This little lamb is as old as I am! I have had it since I was a newborn baby! She is actaully in pretty good shape being 28 years old and all!
I love her pink little mouth. And she has the sweetest pink rosebud above her ear!
And last but definitely not least is my peek-a-boo pink bunny! She too has been around since I was a tiny baby. You pull her cord and she plays a lullaby and plays peek-a-boo.
I love the little pocket watch on her tummy-reminds me of a certain rabbit in Alice in Wonderland! Her pinkness has faded over the years, and I am so glad that I have her still. I hope to someday let my own babies listen to her sweet lullaby and show them how to play a fun little game of peek-a-boo!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Gift Wrapping
This Christmas, money is really tight so we aren't able to buy gifts like we usually do (and I love to shop so it really stinks!) Instead, I used my points from different rewards programs that I am a member of to buy them gift cards. My friend Kyla calls me a points hoarder, so I did have quite a few saved up and was able to actually get something for everyone on our list! And I didn't just want to put them in an envelope, I wanted to wrap them up like a real present. I also wanted to find some vintage wrapping paper but haven't been able to find any so I made my own!
I Googled "vintage Christmas wrapping paper" and found some really cute designs. I copied them and made a solid pattern of them in a word document and printed it out on legal sized paper. Since none of these presents are very big, this size is perfect!
I don't have my tree up yet (the day after Thanksgiving and not a minute sooner!) so I didn't want to wrap a bunch of presents. But I had to try it out. My teenage niece and nephew love Subway so I am pretty sure this gift card will be a big hit with them. I took an empty check box, lined it with some tissue paper and placed the card inside.
The legal sized paper fits perfectly on the check box!
Here it is all wrapped up, tied with a bow and ready to be given away! All of the other presents I wrap I plan to make a lot fancier, but this one is for my 15, almost 16 year old nephew, and as simple as it is, he will still probably think this is lame! I can't wait to wrap the rest of these-I have a lot more fun wrapping ideas in my head and I will definitely show you when I am done!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Questions for fun
Tara over at Shabby in Suburbia tagged me the other day, so I am going to answer a few fun questions just for fun. Thanks Tara!!
*What is one thing you cannot stand?*
I only get to pick one thing? One of the biggest ones is when people don't say thank you. Mostly, when it comes to gift giving like for showers and weddings. I have been to several this year and did not receive a single thank you card. I don't have a lot of money to spare so when I spend it on you, you should probably thank me. That is just something that people don't do anymore. I love sending thank you cards so I am not guilty of that!
*If you could go back to your childhood which cartoon character or TV show would be your favorite?*
The 80's had some of the best cartoons ever. Cartoons these days don't even compare. I loved The Smurfs, The Flintstones, My Little Pony, Fraggle Rock, She-Ra, and Care Bears!
*What is something that you do or have done that would surprise a lot of people?*
When I was in high school, I welded. I was actually very good and I really enjoyed it. I would love to get back into it and make some awesome metal of these days!
*Do you believe in ghosts?*
Yes. Do I ever want to see or experience one? NO WAY!
*When you go to the store, what is the one thing you can't stop yourself from buying more than one of?*
Anything that is on sale. The other day I was at Target and they had plastice water bottles with screw on lids on sale for $.48 each. I bought 4 because I am going to find a way to spruce them up. If it's cheap and I can use it for something crafty, I have to buy more than one!
*What is the funniest story you have about your significant other?*
My husband is a really funny guy once he warms up to you. I love it when he is rocking out to a great song and plays air guitar like he's part of the band!
*What is your proudest moment of being a parent?*
Well, I don't have any kids yet. I hope to soon and I hope to be able to teach my children manners because it seems like so many kids don't have manners these days.
*If you could go back and relive a day in your life, what would it be?*
I wish I could go back to my wedding day so I could see everything that I missed!
That was quite's always interesting to see what you come up with! What are your answers to these questions?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Pink Roses for Pink Saturday

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