You may or may not have noticed, but I have reached 100 followers! 100 posts!

When I started this little blog of mine, I honestly NEVER thought I would have a single follower, let alone 100! So this is a pretty big deal to me. Yes, some of you have hundreds, even thousands of followers, so 100 is just small change to you, but to me-it's HUGE! I want to shout it from the roof tops! I want to celebrate it so I am doing a giveaway to celebrate YOU-my followers!

Little did you know that I have been collecting some treasures to give to one lucky winner. Some very pretty, pink, pampering treasures. Included in my giveaway is a very cute black and white damask makeup bag with ruffly pink trim, rose scented lotion, a pink striped bath fizzie, a soft pink wash cloth and a beautiful pink candle that I have embellished that smells like the freshest, prettiest, pinkest rose in the garden. I wanted something beautiful that anyone would adore, because I adore all of you-my followers-old and new!

There are 3 easy ways to enter my giveaway:
1. Leave a comment on this post.
2. Become a follower and leave a comment letting me know. If you are already a follower-thank you!! You are automatically entered but feel free to leave me a comment!
3. Tell people about my giveaway on your blog and let me know you did.
I will be announcing the winner on May 2nd. I might be throwing in a few extra goodies so you will probably get more than you see here...surprises are fun!
Happy Pink Saturday to you all and thank you so much for making me feel like the little things I do really matter!
Happy Easter!!