This has been my mantra lately because a week ago today, I was laid off from my job. The company that I worked for had been telling us that there were big changes coming, that they were in the process of restructuring the company, and that a reduction in staff would be made. At first I thought I was safe, but the more I heard about what they were doing, the more I knew deep down that I would be one of many to go. I had told a few people at work that I had a feeling it would be me, and they all said no way. So when I got that tap on the shoulder to go in the back with my manager and the HR lady, I instantly burst into tears. On my walk to the back, I looked at those people that I had talked to and mouthed "I told you it would be me" to them. One of those people was my best friend Kyla and she burst into tears too. The whole office was crying. My manager bawled right along with me as they explained my severance package and they assured me it was not performance based, just something that needed to be done in order to cut costs. In other words, I was making too much money for the position I was in and it would save them a lot more money to get rid of me and hire a new person to do my job for less than half of what I made. Horrible but true! Let's be honest, I did not like my job and I was very unhappy. However, I needed that job, truly needed it. So the reason I bawled my eyes out wasn't because I loved my job and was sad to lose it, I was freaking out because how am I supposed to pay my bills now? We lived paycheck to paycheck before so now, there will be things that won't get paid because we flat out won't have the money. Unemployment doesn't even pay half of what you normally made, and my severance package will only last us so long. So I am on the hunt for a new job, I started as soon as I got home last Tuesday. So my fingers are crossed, lot's of prayers are being said and I am hopeful that I will soon find myself in a job that truly utilizes my talents and sees the potential that I have.

So as I wait for the next door to open, I ask you-my friends and blog family, to say a little prayer for me that something fabulous comes my way. I know in the long run, this will truly be a blessing in disguise and everything will work out for me. I am hopeful and know that God works in mysterious ways and He has a reason for everything He does, whether we get to see it right away or maybe never at all.
I'm so sorry. I have been where you are (sigh). I will definitely say some prayers. I know you will land on your feet. First and foremost, take care of yourself and pamper yourself when you can.
Hey Trisha~
I am so so sorry to hear this happened to you! My heart is breaking for you becuase I know it must hurt terribly. The worry & the stress of no pay check will be hard. I promise I will pray for you. I pray that God's will is to have a job that pays better and that you enjoy. I will pray for peace in your home during this time. I will pray whenever I see your name on my sidebar. You are so beautiful inside & out that I know you will be snatched up quickly!
Sorry to hear that you got laid off, you are very talented and will find a job soon, or why not start your own business? may be an etsy shop? I'll keep you in my prayers!
Oh no! Not you too! I feel your pain but just knowing you, I'm sure your dream job is right around the corner.
I'm wishing only good things will come your way.
Hugs ~~ Connie
Take one day at a time...sending positive thoughts your way!
NO doubt,someone will snap you up in a flash..Sending lots of good wishes and positive love your way..xx
You keep your CHIN UP and HEAD HIGH! This is a blow I am sure, no words can change the situation as it is today but for sure your attitude will dictate your future success and based on this post you are keeping your head on right. Set your mind to positive things, do not be afraid to jump as the ravine is not a wide as you think. Widen your net, think outside of the box. Network every single way you can. As far as bills don't be proud, ask for help and reduced payment plans. Be proactive not reactive. I am sending you a lot of positive accolades!!!! And finally, when you have a really bad day....bake some cupcakes and blog. YOU CAN and WILL DO IT! HUG
I am so sorry. Remember God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I have had to hang onto that many times. Praying for you!
Hugs. Hang in there. Your attitude is right--I'm believing a job that suits you much more is on the horizon! xx, Cassie
Good Morning,
So sorry to hear about your job. I actually did a post in May on "Open Doors," and it might make you feel better. Keep praying, my friend. God always listens.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Hey Trisha...just checking in to see how you are doing : )
Hi Trisha,
It's Heather (Paper Princess Studio) A few months back 3M/Scotch Blue painters tape was doing a giveaway on my blog and you were one of the recipients chosen to receive a free sample of their new and improved painters tape. Would you please email me your mailing address to Paperprincessstudios@yahoo.com so I can pass your address along to them so you can receive your free sample.
Thanks so much!
Checking in to see how things are going..thinking of you
You are in my prayers! Put everything in God's hands and He will open that door...Good luck on finding a new job... hopefully one that you will love. Tiffany
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