The Nutcracker Ballet comes to the College campus that I work on every year. Before their performance, they have a special tea party for their smallest guests and this year I took my 2 1/2 year old niece Madisyn. Here are some of the highlights of Clara's Tea Party before the Nutcracker.
{Her momma made her red & white tutu as well as her red & white hair and shoe bows!}
When you first arrived, they would announce your name and you walked through swords on a red carpet. "Announcing the arrival of Princess Madisyn"!

This is my favorite picture of Madi meeting a Nutcracker Ballerina, or as she says it "Bal-uh-ween-uh". You can tell she is in awe!

Now she is dancing with the ballerina. She would have done this all night!

This ballerina is dancing en pointe and Madi can't figure it out...she wants to dance on her toes too!

There was face painting. Madisyn was a Snow Queen!

The Tea Party had lot's of goodies. Mady only licked the frosting off of her 3 cupcakes and she spilled hot cocoa on herself. The girl loves her chocolate!

There was fun dress up stuff. Another highlight of her night!

She is such a girly girl and I like to think I have had a little something to do with it!

Arts and crafts finished off her night. She was tired but she had so much fun! We can't wait to do it again next year. And maybe, we might even be able to stay and watch the Nutcracker Ballet!
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It's a Very Cherry World:Rednesday