My grandma had a set of these Sears Victorian Girl canisters when I was little and I would spend hours in the kitchen just staring at them. I loved the different scenes on each canister. For as long as I can remember, I wanted my own set of these canisters. My grandma is one of those people that constantly changes her kitchen decor theme, so I knew she wasn't using these anymore. I asked if she still had them, and if she did if I could have them. Apparently, she decided to get rid of them not too long before I asked. She said she asked all her kids and grandkids if they wanted them and no one did so she gave them to her sister-in-law. Wrong-she didn't ask my mom or me, but that is pretty typical of her. I was a little sad but that didn't deter me from getting my own set!

My husband and I had taken a trip to Northern Idaho a few years ago and I saw a set in a thrift store. Unfortunately, a lid or two was missing so I didn't buy it. I finally found a set on Ebay that was in great shape. The price was right and I was the lucky winner! This isn't my grandma's set, but it is the same set that she had so it is still special to me!

I think that I may be missing one canister. After looking on Ebay, there appears to be one that is a smaller size down from the largest canister. So now I am on the lookout for that one too.

I also found that there are salt and pepper shakers and a napkin holder that go with this set. Those are on my lists of wants too!

I even saw a set of cups and saucers that match! Boy, I better be saving up my pennies so I can complete my set!

There are so many cute details on these. Each little girl has a pretty little dress and a ruffly white apron. The biggest canister has a girl rolling out a pie crust, maybe, with a rolling pin, a hutch full of dishes and a cute little kitty begging for a treat at her feet. The next one has a girl grinding coffee so she can make a fresh pot to share. Her kitty is lying on the floor. The third one has the girl sittling in her rocking chair in front of her fireplace with a cute little puppy on her lap.

The girl on the smallest canister, or sugar holder, is enjoying a cup of tea on her ruffled rug. And the creamer has a girl icing a yummy cake! The scenes are all different and all so cute. I could still just stare at them for hours!

These vintage canisters are proudly displayed in my kitchen where everyone can see them. I definitely need to find the rest of the pieces that go with this set to make it complete!

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