The time has finally come-we are in the middle of packing and moving. We thought we had another month to get it done, but Monday night my realtor called and said we had only one week to get out of there! With tears streaming down my face, I called my cousin, who will be renting from and asked her if there was anyway we could move in sooner than our original February 1st date. Thankfully she said yes, otherwise we would have been homeless for a few weeks. Talk about lighting a fire under us! Yesterday I got some boxes and the packing began last night after work. Thank goodness we had already started a little, otherwise we would be hurting even worse. The plan is to pack as much as we can after work each night, load it in to the back of the truck, and Cody will unload it at the new house on his lunch break. Hopefully by this weekend we will only have the big stuff left. My parents and my brother will be there to help with that. It is a little depressing knowing that we are losing our home due to something that was out of our control. We worked so hard to make that house our home and for nothing. Don't get me wrong, we will be living in a bigger house for less money, but it isn't ours to do what we want to it. Someday, we will have the home of our dreams, but today we just wait and let life do what it wants to do. So while I pack, load, clean, move and unpack, I may be away for just a short while. I will soon be back to share our new place with you. Thank you as always for all of your wonderful comments and thoughtfulness-it really does mean the world to me!
Hi Trisha,sorry to hear about your misfortune.But I think as you say the best is yet to come.Im a new follower and I have seen your comments on alot of blogs I follow.So Im a new follower here.See you back soon,moving isnt a favorite thing of mine either,lol.
Oh Trisha I do hope that everything will clear and blow over with time and you are so right, of course you'll get back on the saddle and all will be right again! :) Looking forward to seeing your new place! Wish you the best and see you soon!
Hi, Trisha! I'm so glad you signed up for our dotty swap!
Gril, I do not envy your move. I moved 3 times last year and I'm just now getting back to being myself! ♥
Oh Trisha I am so so Sorry to hear about your move... Please know that you will be in my heart and prayers... Blessings Angelina
Just remember, home is where your heart is..xx
OH, I can't wait til I get to write my moving (to a farm post)! Come on house.. sell, SELL!
Thank you for your comment!
Bon Weekend!
Parisienne Farmgirl
Parisienne Farmgirl Magazine 1st Gorgeous Edition arrives April 1st Subscribe Today!
It's not easy to pack and unpack, and move out of one place into another. I know well, as we have had several moves throughout the years. Once you get settled though, everything seems to fall into place. When we moved to Southern California, we gave away many things to lighten the load. I wish you well in your move, and I will be here when you return. Good luck, my friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Oh Trisha,
How on earth did i miss this news? I am so sorry sweetie! You and Cody don't deserve this...but it must mean there are brighter days around the corner that you need to prepare for. Sounds so pollyanna...but better than doom and gloom, right?
Chin up girlfriend! I'm saying a prayer right now for you.
I came from June's place and I will stay longer... It feels good here...
Good luck on Your new journey,new home !
I love that quote too !!!
Hugs from Florida
Oh Trisha Sorry to hear you will be moving...I will also be moving in March.
I really dislike packing and I am going to get started this weekend so I won't wait till the last minute.
Will be looking forward to hearing about your new place and seeing pictures.
I still love my picture and candle that I won in a giveaway from you...whenever I see them in my room I think of you
Suzann ~xoxo~
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