My favorite part of Valentine's Day isn't roses and chocolates-it's Conversation Hearts! I have always loved the sweet little bites of sugary goodness, but now I love all the creative things people have made with them too! They are pretty cheap to buy and 12 of them are only 60 calories! So grab 12 hearts (my favorite flavor is the yellow) and take a look at some fun things you can do with Conversation Hearts.
And here is a little history on the Conversation Heart-I have a history minor so I just love to learn about such things and I hope you find it interesting too! These candies really are a vintage treat!
"Oliver R. Chase invented a machine in 1847 to cut lozenges from wafer candy, similar to Necco Wafers, and started a candy factory. Daniel Chase, Oliver's brother, began printing sayings on the candy in 1866. He designed a machine that was able to press on the candy similar to a stamp. The candy was often used for weddings since the candies had witty saying such as: "Married in pink, he will take a drink", "Married in White, you have chosen right", and "Married in Satin, Love will not be lasting".The heart-shaped conversation candies to be called
Sweethearts got their start in 1901. Other styles were formerly produced such as lozenges, postcards, horseshoes, watches, and baseballs. As of 2010, the classic pastel candy formula is being abandoned. Sweethearts will be softer candies with vivid colors and all new flavors. Line extensions carrying the Sweethearts brand include chocolates and sugar-free hearts.In the 1990s, Necco vice-president, Walter Marshall, wanted to update some of the sayings and retire others, including "Call me", "Email me", and "Fax me". The romantic expressions continue to be revised for young Americans. Necco receives hundreds of suggestions a year on new sayings. Necco produces the hearts from late February through mid January of the following year. Approximately 100,000 pounds of hearts are made per day, which sells out in about six weeks." The new flavors were not favored by people so they went back to the old flavors in October 2011.

{all images found on Pinterest}
What a fun and easy idea this is. Glue a few hearts randomly on a white (or any color) candle and place it in a dish full of more hearts. Simple yet very festive!

Love this idea! A cute little Conversation Heart vignette with topiaries and a frame covered in the candy. Who wouldn't love this?

I have seen so many of these wreaths and I think I might just have to give it a try myself. I would add a fun bow to really pretty it up!

Now for even more fun, make some Conversation Heart flavored vodka. What a fun drink to have on Valentine's Day! Click
here for the how-to.

Apparently you can even make your own Conversation Hearts. I am sure the flavors just wouldn't be the same as the real thing but it would be fun to write your own messages on them.
Here is the how-to on making your own!

When I was in the 5th grade, I had a "boyfriend" named David. When he wasn't my boyfriend, I flirted like crazy with him. But as soon as he was my boyfriend, I got really shy. For Valentine's Day that year, I got the big Conversation Hearts to give to my class. I picked out the ones that said not so nice things to give to David. Needless to say, he wasn't my boyfriend for very long!
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Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!
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