Thank you to everyone who put in their 2 cents when it came to painting my step stool and gate. Seems like almost everyone had the same thoughts on it as me. Great minds think alike! I am going to leave the gate alone because it is perfect just how it is. And I will be painting the stool yellow. The rust is just getting worse and I don't want it to be completely un-useable so I think some new paint will help it last longer! I should have done it this weekend, but I was turning my hair yellow and then grey instead. Long story...let's just say I am glad that my sister is a stylist and can help me out when I get into these kinds of messes!
I am sure that I have mentioned before that my mom is a professional wedding cake decorator. I have been telling her for quite some time now that she needed to get a website where she could refer people to when they wanted to see her work. I finally took matters into my own hands and started a blog for her. The last 2 wedding cakes she had, I went along with her to help set up. I brought my camera with me so that I could get the pictures uploaded right away. Here are just 2 of her most recent cakes.

She has been doing this for nearly 30 years and that is a lot of pictures! One of these days I will find the time to scan them all in and get them uploaded to her blog. It is so fun to see wedding cakes from the 80's and 90's!

If you would like to be a follower of her blog, please go visit her here: will do my best to keep it up to date for her if she doesn't have time. If you are in the Treasure Valley of Idaho area, be sure to see her for your next celebration. All of her cakes are baked by her in her custom built cake kitchen. Any kind of cake, filling and frosting as well as any decorations you would like. All cakes are custom/made to order. Thanks for checking it out!