**This post contains graphic images...if really bad owies freak you out, don't go any further!**
I work at a bank during the day. There are vaults, both big and small. I have been working at a bank for over 10 years now and get in and out of vaults several times a day everyday. On Tuesday, I finally did it. I smashed my hand in the vault. I was going to close it and was not paying much attention. My thumb was on top of the door and I didn't realize my thumb was there until the vault closed. This vault kind of looks like the vault that did it to me!

As soon as I realized that my thumb was smashed, I ripped it out so fast and ran out of the vault. I looked at it and saw the huge gash and told everyone "I am going to start crying now, okay?!" And I lost it! Everyone who heard me cry came running out to see what was going on. My thumb immediately swelled up and someone thought that it could be broke. So off I went to the doctor. Here is a photo of my injury!

It turns out, I chipped the bone in 2 places. They used a liquid stitch to close the wound. Hopefully when I go in for my checkup today I won't have to get real stitches. I also have to wear a thumb brace and limit use of my thumb. Not the easiest thing to do when you are a banker! And of course it was my right hand so I can't do ANYTHING!! Let's just say that my wonderful husband has been quite the trooper-he even has to help take my bra off and put it back on!!

So crafting and creating and typing are all on a small break for now. Which totally kills me! I can't even cook and the laundry is not getting folded anytime soon! This really puts a damper on things, don't you think?!
OUCH! I hope that you heal quickly..something my dad always said when we would hurt ourselves was "Peg on it" but said as one word pegonit..not sure where it came from but sending you a big pegonit! Now don't you feel better?
OH Trisha!! Ouch is right...take it easy and hope it heals fast!! XO
Wow I am sorry to hear about your thumb,that MUST hurt!!!
How great that your husband is helping you out!!!
That looks painful!! Take it easy and I guess you won't be hitch hiking any time soon..xx
Oh my goodness Trisha! That looks so painful, I'm so sorry you got a BIG Oooowie! Prayers for a quick healing and bless that precious hubby of yours!
Poor girl! Hope you mend quickly! Take care!
Oh no! I was in banking for many years and a banker definately needs her thumbs! Surely it is a workers comp injury and you get some time off! lol
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